We are moving fast to a world where everything is becoming digital. Technology appears as the way of the future and those who refuse to join the bandwagon will inevitably be left behind.

One of the negatives of this fast becoming digital technological world is that there is a lot of focus on the “me culture”. And this is attributable to the reason many churches shy away from social media and condemn it as a tool of the enemy.

It’s a narcissistic word we live in, all about I I I, iPhone, iPad, iMe, iYou all the way to selfie selfie selfie. People spend more time gazing into their handhelds for the perfect selfie in the right light and background to attract more likes than the last picture they posted seconds ago on social media platform. The picture to this blog is a fear for many church leaders as they struggle with the threat social media in the church poses and how to connect to the younger generation who gain more affection virtually than face to face. (I kid you not).

Now I hear that the picture posted above is photo-shopped and for the love of God I really hope that it is but the question now is where do we draw the line in churches with social media? Should congregants be allowed to use their digital gadgets in the church or should members be encouraged to leave their phones behind as they come to church?

We strongly believe that influence of social media adapts to the one controlling the platform. In the hands of a good person, good will come forth and likewise in the hands of evil people.

As Christians we must always remember that only God remains the same; everything else is subject to change! Social media has the power to be transmitted all over the world in seconds and can go to places you have never been and will never go. We encourage the use of mobile devices in the church (besides the peeps will use it anyway), in order to read the bible, to take pictures, record the messages, tweet key points from the message, periscope the service and so on…..HOWEVER the bible says that everything should be done decently and in order, the bible also says there is a season for everything. There is a season to make use of your digital device in church and a session to put it away and allow God to be the focus of worship (not your phone).

The minister/ministry must understand and get the balance right. With the younger generation the use of social media may even be encouraged. Hashtags are the in-thing now and a great way to share news about the event whilst it’s going on. It also helps to connect and network with others in attendance or those following the ministry virtually but in real time. Many people now have their bibles on their phones and the ability to share a scripture at the touch of a link 😉 but even with these facilities there must be order.

So how can we achieve order? How can we influence when members go for their phones? After all the church leader, ministers, and worship leader is ultimately supposed to lead the congregant to Christ.

We recommend putting in place a social media policy for ministers and workers in the church and setting out guidelines for the congregants which encourages the use of social media in the church but in the right way and the right time. This policy should be read to and shared with the church from time to time. In addition posters can be placed around the sanctuary highlighting the key points from the policy/guidelines. This way the people will be well aware of how to conduct themselves in the sanctuary.

The use of social media during gospel artist ministrations and charity event may be encouraged more (using hashtags) and more flexibility should be welcome but always let the people know if you are recording or if you have a professional taking pictures and if these will be available as a resource at a later date as that may allow them to drop their phones for a while.

For more information regarding Social Media policies and guidelines, please send an email to info@ministersdesk.com

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