Our time on earth is limited since this is not eternity and we are not mortals smile 🙂 . However we all know that time is the most valuable resource that we have in life and in ministry, but not only is it one of the most abused resources, it is the one thing that many (admit it or not) struggle the most with. No wonder there are so many resources and professionals for time management.

Nowadays, you’ll hear things like ‘please be on time, Jesus time’!!! Meaning not African, European or even American time – in fact one can go as far as to say ‘not human time’ because that’s likely to be flawed (hahahahahaha – just kidding).

Having worked with a vast array of Christian leaders and business professionals in ministry, we understand the precious and priceless value of time. We understand that time commands much more respect than money because essentially, it is your time that brings in the money, but more importantly, it is time that brings in the prospects for the Kingdom and makes evangelism that little bit easier. Time makes the world go round (you do know that the equator is a measure of time right?), and if you’re not careful you might just be slipping behind.

Our consultation with ministers of the gospel, be it a church, a para church, a gospel artist, a Christian group or other; has revealed that time is indeed a precious commodity that every minister needs help with and everyone wants more of. We’ve come up with a way to help you achieve that, a way to help you maximize the 24 hours we have all been given.

Whether you are a pastor leading a church, a gospel artist or entertainer, a charity with limited funds or even a Christian business outlet, you are a minister and we have something for you.

We strongly believe that you should focus on the core of what God has called you to do and leave the rest for the expert so that the wholeness of what you have for the body of Christ is excellent, (you are not a jack of all trades). We serve an excellent God right, so why should our service and ministry be anything less than excellent!!!!

Our motto is: Redeeming the time, so you don’t have to! We help you get everything done decently and in order, from planning and organizing your time and calendar, to training your staff and ensuring that the message God has given you is reaching the right corners of the world trending in today’s technological environment.

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